Everyday Mindfulness Free Ebook

Do you ever find yourself ruminating about the past or obsessing about the future?

If so, then you’ve also probably found that these thoughts are harmful and distracting to what matters most in your life.

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This is what you will learn:

What is Mindfulness & It's Benefits:

Mindfulness is the act of being in the present completely and intentionally. It includes thinking about your feelings, thoughts, and desires as they naturally come to you in the present. It simply removes you from the past or the forward way of thinking.

How To Get Started?

Although every person is capable of mindfulness, it can be difficult to get started, especially if you've never tried it before. Since mindfulness is not something that comes naturally to us, we must work at it and be intentional in our actions. Learn how to get started with mindfulness training with key tips.

Daily Practice & Key Tips:

For those with a little bit more time on their hands, it is a great idea to set a daily mindful practice. Even if you are strapped for time, this is an incredibly helpful and important aspect of mindfulness training.. Some key tips to help you create a mindfulness training routine that is beneficial for your life needs:

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